
AboitizPower celebrates environmental achievements and efforts for Earth Day

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AboitizPower celebrates environmental achievements and efforts for Earth Day
Achievements and efforts include improving renewable energy portfolios, providing a safe environment for sea turtles, and more

On Earth Day, AboitizPower (AP) honors the journey towards greener pursuits and environmental protection.

Strong environmental, social, and governance standards and practices guide AP’s sustainable business operations. Over the next decade, AP expects to attain bolder targets to serve better their customers and communities.

AP is pursuing a 50:50 balance between their renewable and thermal portfolios by 2030, with plans to grow their total generation portfolio to 9,200 MW. Through this transition, we look forward to driving change for a more sustainable future for the country.

In fact, AP in 2014 launched an eight-hectare biodiversity park in the coastal area of Punta Dumalag, calling it the “Cleanergy Park.” The Park, with its lush greenery providing a safe and secure environment, now serves as a sanctuary to pawikans (sea turtles) and several rare bird species. The site has released 355 hatchlings in 2024 alone, bringing the total number of hatchlings released to 9,417 since 2014.

Meanwhile, AP subsidiary Therma South, Inc. and its partners completed its Carbon Sink Management Program by planting one million trees in Davao City, helping lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The program resulted in restoring and rehabilitating over 845 hectares of the indigenous people’s ancestral domain.

AboitizPower shares that every little step we take to protect the natural world is meaningful, and surely, our collective efforts will one day bear fruit to a healthier, stronger Earth. – Rappler.com


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AboitizPower is a leading Philippine power company dedicated to providing reliable, sustainable, and innovative energy solutions for a better world.