Canada gives P32-M aid for Mindanao evacuees

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Canada gives P32-M aid for Mindanao evacuees
The International Organization of Migration says Canada's support 'will pay for camp management in evacuation centers for displaced persons,' among others

MANILA, Philippines – The government of Canada has announced it is providing CAD 800,000 (P32 million) in new humanitarian assistance funding for those affected by conflict in Mindanao.

The funding will be channeled to a project of the International Organization of Migration (IOM) to address the immediate needs of thousands in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao.  

 “Canada’s support will ensure that conflict-affected families in the region will have access to improved temporary shelter conditions, access to safe drinking water, improved access to sanitation and hygiene facilities, as well as improved nutrition,” Canada’s ambassador to the Philippines Neil Reeder said.

“We continue to build on our strong ties with the Philippines with this assistance,” Reeder added.

This funding follows the announcement that the government of Canada has named the Philippines one of its “countries of focus” in terms of development assistance.

Despite a recent peace agreement signed in March between the government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the effects of decades of ongoing conflict continue in Mindanao where thousands of displaced families live in dire conditions. Congested evacuation centers are increasing health risks, malnutrition, and protection concerns.

The new funding will support IOM’s efforts to support the conflict-affected women and children by improving the coordination and management of camps for more than 25,000 internally displaced people in 10 evacuation centers and 4 temporary shelters, as well as improving conditions in temporary shelters by providing privacy partitions for approximately 4,000 families in evacuation centers.

“Canada’s generous contribution of $800,000 to IOM for its humanitarian relief in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao is helping thousands of vulnerable people,” said Marco Boasso, IOM Chief of Mission in the Philippines.

“Canada’s support will pay for camp management in evacuation centers for displaced persons and transitional shelter for people leaving the centers and returning home. It will also support the Bangsamoro Peace Process. The IOM Mission in the Philippines is grateful for the generous support of the Canadian government.”

IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration and provides humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, be they refugees, displaced persons, or other uprooted people.  Canada has a long-standing relationship and strong partnership with IOM. —

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