Bureau of Internal Revenue

BIR allows use of remaining Official Receipts until fully consumed, says Lumagui


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BIR allows use of remaining Official Receipts until fully consumed, says Lumagui
(1st UPDATE) In addition, submission of Inventory Reports and/or Notice required in compliance with the transitory provisions of Revenue Regulation No. 7-2024 can now be done through email

(This is an abridged Bureau of Internal Revenue June 20, 2024 press release, updated with another BIR release on June 21 on the same topic.)

MANILA, Philippines – Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Commissioner Romeo Lumagui Jr. ordered the BIR to allow the use of the remaining Official Receipts until they are fully consumed, instead of only until December 31, 2024.

Further, the submission of Inventory Reports and/or Notice required in compliance with the transitory provisions of Revenue Regulation No. 7-2024 can now be done through email.

These pronouncements under Revenue Regulation No. 11-2024 (RR No. 11-2024) and Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 66-2024, were issued for the purpose of making the transition to the system under the Ease of Paying Taxes Act (EOPT) more accommodating to taxpayers.

“All remaining Official Receipts can be used, until fully consumed. Inventory reports and notices can be submitted through email. The BIR is committed to making the transition to EOPT as convenient to taxpayers as possible. Comments and suggestions on the different services provided by the BIR and its implementation of the EOPT are welcome,” Lumagui stated.


On Friday, June 21, the BIR summarized the amendments in the Transitory Provisions provided under RR No. 11-2024 issued by the BIR on June 13, 2024:

1.         Removal of Deadline on the Use of Unused Official Receipts Converted to Invoice

Taxpayers may convert and use their remaining Official Receipts as Invoice and convert the Billing Statement/Statement of Account/Statement of Charges into Billing Invoice UNTIL THEY ARE FULLY CONSUMED.

2.         Extension of Deadline for Submission of Inventory Report

The submission of the Inventory Report on Unused Official Receipts /Billing Statement/Statement of Account/Statement of Charges Converted into Invoice/Billing Invoice has been extended until JULY 31, 2024.

3.         Extension of Deadline for Enhancement of System or CAS/CBA with Accounting Record

The reconfiguration and system enhancement of Computerized Accounting System (CAS)/Computerized Books of Account (CBA) with Accounting Record (AR) adjustments has been extended until DECEMBER 31, 2024. Any extension must be approved by the concerned Regional Director or Assistant Commissioner of the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS), which shall not be longer than six (6) months from December 31, 2024.

4.         Submission of Notice on Renaming of Official Receipt by CRM/POS/CAS/CBA with AR

The Notice on Renaming of Official Receipt by Cash Register Machine (CRM)/Point of Sale (POS)/CAS/CBA with AR shall be submitted to the concerned Revenue District Office/Large Taxpayers office within thirty (30) days from completion of reconfiguration/enhancement of the sales machine/software or on DECEMBER 31, 2024, whichever comes first.       

“By removing the deadlines on the conversion and use of Official Receipts as well as extending the deadlines on the implementation of the new invoicing provisions under the EOPT Act, we want to make it easier for our taxpayers to comply fully with the various requirements of the law”, said Lumagui.

The BIR will continue to hold EOPT roadshows in the coming weeks as part of the taxpayer education program of Lumagui. – Rappler.com

[Ask the Tax Whiz] Ease of paying taxes law revenue regulations

[Ask the Tax Whiz] Ease of paying taxes law revenue regulations

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