Philippine infrastructure

Sucat Interchange opens to motorists; no toll fees in the first month

Dwight de Leon

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Sucat Interchange opens to motorists; no toll fees in the first month

PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. inspects the completed Sucat Interchange in Parañaque City on June 21, 2024.

RTVM screenshot

Sucat Interchange, a key segment of Cavitex, becomes accessible to motorists beginning 6 pm on Friday, June 21

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. led on Friday, June 21, the inauguration of the Sucat Interchange, a key segment in the Manila-Cavite Toll Expressway Project (Cavitex), and approved a recommendation to make it toll-free for the first 30 days. 

In his speech, Marcos guaranteed that the completion of the segment will expedite the travel time of motorists.

“With this interchange, motorists will now be able to travel smoothly, safely, and conveniently from Cavitex R1 to Sucat, Parañaque within just five minutes,” Marcos said. “It is a dramatic improvement from the usual one-hour travel time via existing public roads from Kawit, Cavite.”

“This segment is set to benefit around 23,000 vehicles a day,” he added.

He instructed the Toll Regulatory Board to immediately enforce the Philippine Reclamation Authority’s proposal to suspend the collection of toll fees for all vehicles traversing Cavitex in Taguig, Parañaque, Las Piñas, Bacoor, and Kawit for the next month. 

Sucat Interchange opens to motorists at 6 pm on Friday. 

Moments before Friday morning’s inauguration ceremony, Marcos also oversaw the groundbreaking of the Cavitex-Calax Link (CCLink) and Cavitex C5 Link Segment 3B. 

A press release from the Metro Pacific Tollway Company said the CCLink, which has a mid-2025 target completion date, will span 1.3 kilometers, and will connect MPTC’s toll road networks south of the capital.

Cavitex C5 Link Segment 3B, meanwhile, is a two-kilometer stretch seeking to “connect Cavitex Parañaque in the West and C5 Road Taguig in the East,” the same press release read. –

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Dwight de Leon

Dwight de Leon is a multimedia reporter who covers President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Malacañang, and the Commission on Elections for Rappler.