WATCH: Ed Sheeran’s music video for ‘Castle On The Hill’ released

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WATCH: Ed Sheeran’s music video for ‘Castle On The Hill’ released
Ed sings about growing up in Framingham, Suffolk

MANILA, Philippines – The video for Ed Sheeran’s new song “Castle On The Hill” has been released.

In the video, Ed talks about his days growing up with a teen playing his younger version seen making friends, recalling his first kiss, and running in the countryside. 

According to a press release from Warner, “Castle On The Hill” was written by Ed with Benny Blanco, and plays homage to growing up in Framingham, Suffolk. 

Ed wrote on his Facebook: “Loved filming this in Fram. All these kids are actually from my high school! “

“Castle On The Hill” is one of the first two songs Ed released last January 6. Aside from “Castle On The Hill,” he also released his other song “Shape of You.” (LISTEN: Ed Sheeran releases two new singles)

The singer behind “Thinking Out Loud,” took time off last December 2015, saying he wanted to travel and work on his 3rd album.

A report from Billboard said there was speculation that Ed’s next album would be entitled Divide, in line with the themes on his previous albums, Plus and Multiply.

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