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Kina Grannis Manila concert ‘postponed indefinitely’

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Kina Grannis Manila concert ‘postponed indefinitely’
Kina postpones some shows in Southeast Asia indefinitely


MANILA, Philippines – Sorry Kina Grannis fans, you’re going to have to wait a little longer to see Kina perform live. (READ: WATCH: Fil-Am singer AJ Rafael teaches Kina Grannis to speak Filipino

On her social media accounts, Kina said that the remaining dates on her Southeast Asia tour “have been postponed indefinitely for reasons beyond my control.” Read her what she had to say below:


Kina’s Manila concert was supposed to be held on September 27 at the Kia Theater at Araneta Center.

Kina was able to make it to the Jakarta stop of her Elements Tour in Asia, but had to cancel her shows in Taiwan, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Kina apologized for cancelling all these shows on Twitter, but couldn’t divulge any details. For her Hong Kong stop though, Kina said that she couldn’t make it because of “immigration issues.”



The organizers of Kina’s concert, Creon Asia, have yet to release a statement.

Kina rose to fame by posting videos of her singing on YouTube, and then winning the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest in 2008, which got her a contract with Interscope Records. She’s been writing her own music, doing covers, and collaborating with other musicians ever since. –

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