Regine Tolentino confirms split with husband Lander Vera-Perez

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Regine Tolentino confirms split with husband Lander Vera-Perez
Regine says she and Lander, who were together for 18 years, have been apart for almost one year

MANILA, Philippines – TV host, entrepreneur, and fitness guru Regine Tolentino confirmed that she and her husband of 18 years, actor Lander Vera-Perez, have broken up.

In an interview with PEP last June 8, Regine said that while she cried about the breakup of her marriage, she has learned to move on from that chapter of her life.

Ngayon lang, nang mag-one year na. Parang cut-off na, one year na. Tapos na yung mga first,” she said. 

(Only now, that after one year has passed. There’s like a cut-off, it has been one year.)

“You go through all those stages and once you’ve accomplished that and get over with that phase, bagong buhay na (it’s a new life), new everything.”

“So, iba, iba (different) in a good way,” she said.

When asked if she is ready to get into a new relationship, Regine said that she will think about it. “Eventually, when things are legal,” she said, adding that she remains focused on raising her two children, and on her work and business.

In the same interview, she also said that because of what she has gone through, her relationship with her two daughters – Reigen and Reigne became stronger.  She also said that they are learning to be more “independent.”

“‘Di ba, ganun naman yun? As women, feeling helpless, you always need somebody to protect us, ganyan-ganyan.”

(Isn’t it like that? As women, feeling helpless, we always need somebody to protect us and all.)

She added, however: “We have each other and, of course, aside from my mom and dad, nakakaraos kami, okey na. Naging okey lahat, (We were able to manage, so it’s okay. Everything became okay),” she said.

Now that she’s no longer in a relationship, Regine said that she’s trying to enjoy everything with her children. She said, “I enjoy being a mom so it’s really exciting.”

“Sometimes it’s hard. Hindi ko maiwasan na may mga times na nakakalungkot (I cannot avoid getting sad), especially when you see other families.”

Pero okey naman, we have each other at sila [her children] pa yung mas matibay kesa sa akin.

(But everything’s okay, we have each other and even they [the children] seem to be stronger than me)

Regine said, “And as a matter of fact, parang mas nag-excel kami in every aspects of life.” –

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