Philippine economy

Duterte names presidential adviser for military, defense undersecretary

Pia Ranada

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Duterte names presidential adviser for military, defense undersecretary
Retired military general Arthur Tabaquero is appointed presidential adviser for military affairs, while Raymundo De Vera Elefante is appointed DND undersecretary for finance

MANILA, Philippines – Retired Lt General Arthur Tabaquero was appointed Presidential Adviser on Military Affairs by President Rodrigo Duterte.

The president also named Raymundo De Vera Elefante his Undersecretary for Finance, Ammunitions, Installations and Materials under the Department of National Defense.

Tabaquero’s and Elefante’s appointments were announced through a Malacañang press release sent on Thursday, July 14.

Tabaquero, who has been given the rank of undersecretary served as the commander of the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ East Mindanao Command.

Previously, he also served as commander of the 8th Infantry Division in Leyte and in the National Capital Region Command. 

Tabaquero is a member of the Philippine Military Academy Class of 1978, the adopted class of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

He was on the list of possible successors to lead the AFP after the retirement of then AFP chief General Eduardo Oban in 2011. –


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Pia Ranada

Pia Ranada is Rappler’s Community Lead, in charge of linking our journalism with communities for impact.