Pacman endorses UNA, Bam, Brother Eddie

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Boxing icon and Sarangani congressman Manny Pacquiao says he will endorse one more senatorial candidate soon

MANILA, Philippines — Boxing icon and Sarangani Rep Manny Pacquiao endorsed the entire United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) senatorial slate, which was campaigning in his hometown of General Santos City on Saturday, March 23. 

Pacquiao also endorsed Bam Aquino, the President’s cousin and a member of the rival TeamPNoy slate, and evangelist Eddie Villanueva, who is the sole candidate of Bangon Pilipinas Movement.

He said he will be endorsing another candidate soon. UNA has 9 senatorial bets. The endorsement of two other non-UNA candidates leaves Pacquiao with one more senatorial aspirant to endorse.

“I know these candidates. Their heart goes out to the poor. They understand the poor’s needs and they are ready to respond to the problems in Mindanao. This is why I am endorsing all the candidates of UNA nationwide,” Pacquiao said in the vernacular in a news conference with the candidates of UNA. 

UNA candidates who attended the rally in General Santos were Nancy Binay, Jack Enrile, Richard Gordon, Tingting CoJuangco, Mitos Magsaysay, Ernesto Maceda, and Gringo Honasan. 

Pacquiao is up for re-election as the representative of the lone district of Saranggani. He is running under his own political party, the People’s Champ Movement (PCM). He is running unopposed.

Other Pacquiao family members who are running for elective posts are Pacman’s wife, Jinkee, who is running as Sarangani vice governor, and his brother Ruel who is running as representative of the first district of South Cotabato. –

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