IN PHOTOS: Game 7 of the PBA Governors’ Cup Finals

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Rain or Shine secured the first ever championship for the franchise with a 97-81 win over the B-Meg Llamados

Rain or Shine Head Coach Yeng Guiao is given a victory ride after their win over BMEG. Photo by Josh Albelda.

MANILA, Philippines – The Rain or Shine Elasto Painters on Sunday, August 5 made franchise history after winning the 37th Philippine Basketball Association Governors’ Cup finals. 

Rain or Shine secured the first ever championship for the franchise with a 97-81 win over a James Yap-led B-Meg Llamados at the Araneta Coliseum. 

After being down 3-1 in the series, the Llamados fought back to bring the series to a do-or-die seventh game. 

Here’s what happened during the 7th game, as captured by Josh Albelda:

It's a dream come true for the Rain or Shine Elasto Painters. Photo by Josh Albelda.

Photo by Josh Albelda.


More photos here: 


Photo by Josh Albelda.

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