Gilas Women

Gilas Girls advance to FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup semis with 26-point rout of Lebanon

Martin Mendoza

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Gilas Girls advance to FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup semis with 26-point rout of Lebanon

TAKE OVER. Gilas Girls' Naomi Natalie Panganiban goes for a shot against Lebanon


After a 123-point obliteration of Maldives on opening day, Gilas Girls dominate Lebanon to secure an outright semifinal berth in Division B of the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup

MANILA, Philippines – The Gilas Pilipinas U18 women’s team secured an outright semifinal berth in Division B of the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup following an 89-63 rout of Lebanon on Tuesday, June 25, at the Futian Sports Park in Shenzhen, China. 

On the heels of a 123-point obliteration of Maldives on Monday, June 24, where nine Gilas Girls players scored in double figures, it was Naomi Panganiban who stole the show for the Philippines as she exploded for 25 points, to go with 7 rebounds, 8 assists, and 4 steals.

Gabby Ramos, meanwhile, racked up a huge double-double of 12 points and 19 rebounds as the Filipinas clinched the top spot in Group B with a 2-0 slate.

Unlike their blowout of Maldives on Monday, where they quickly broke the game wide open with a 22-0 start in the first four minutes of the contest, it took the Filipinas close to 9 minutes before building a double-digit edge over Lebanon, 24-14, off a Panganiban layup with 1:28 left in the opening frame. 

Lebanon managed to crawl back within single digits with 2:39 to play in the second period, 25-34, but that was the closest they could get as the Philippines ended the quarter on a fiery 10-0 blast for a 44-25 halftime cushion. 

Gilas Girls never looked back in the second half, even pushing their lead to as many as 29 points, 84-55, with just 2:37 remaining in the game.

Maygen Naassan led the Lebanese with 17 points, while Reem El Ghali had a double-double of 14 markers and 11 boards in the losing cause.

After advancing automatically to the semifinal round on Saturday, June 29, the Philippines – coached by Julie Amos – will now play the waiting game as the second- and third-placers from Groups A and B slug it out for the last two Final Four spots on Friday, June 28. 

The winner of the tournament will earn a promotion to Division A of the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup. 

The Scores

Philippines 89 – Panganiban 25, Ramos 12, Reyes 12, Rodriguez 9, Canindo 6, Quinte 6, Impreso 5, Abong 4, Duenas 3, Villanueva 3, Fajardo 2, Lapasaran 2.

Lebanon 63 – Naassan 17, El Ghali 14, Faraj 10, Hoteit 7, Barakat N. 5, Mosleh 5, Ajami 4, Bado 1, Awad 0, Nakib 0, Barakat M. 0, Jaoude 0.

Quarters: 25-14, 44-25, 59-39, 89-63.


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