Alas Pilipinas

‘Every help welcome’: Galanza, Belen, Solomon reinforce Alas Pilipinas

Philip Matel

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‘Every help welcome’: Galanza, Belen, Solomon reinforce Alas Pilipinas

TERRIFIC TRIO. NU stars Alyssa Solomon (left) and Bella Belen, and Creamline's Jema Galanza are the latest additions to Alas Pilipinas.


‘We cannot discount the experience the three already have,’ says Alas Pilipinas captain Jia de Guzman as the national volleyball team beefs up with hotshots Jema Galanza, Bella Belen, and Alyssa Solomon

MANILA, Philippines – Alas Pilipinas looks to quickly integrate Jema Galanza, Bella Belen, and Alyssa Solomon as the Philippine women’s volleyball team gears up for the FIVB Women’s Challenger Cup this July. 

‘Every help welcome’: Galanza, Belen, Solomon reinforce Alas Pilipinas

Team captain Jia de Guzman welcomed the addition of the trio as the national players prepare for a tougher challenge in the tournament hosted by the Philippines, just over a month after their historic bronze finish in the AVC Challenge Cup.

“We’re grateful that [our roster] got reinforced since we had a very good lineup during the AVC Challenge Cup, and we’re welcoming every help that we can get,” De Guzman told reporters during an ambush interview on Wednesday, June 19.

“We cannot discount the experience the three already have and we’re hoping that our team adds more players in the long run so we could have a deeper bench,” she added as the team  beefs up for stronger foes, including Southeast Asian powerhouse Vietnam, from July 4 to 7 at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium in Manila.

Galanza, Belen, and Solomon were in the initial wishlist of Alas head coach Jorge Souza de Brito, but begged off due to various reasons.

Belen and Solomon then needed to recuperate and work on their academic requirements at National University after winning the UAAP Season 86 women’s volleyball crown, while Galanza was with the Creamline Cool Smashers for a long-scheduled Europe trip.

Despite the trio’s absence, Alas managed to achieve a historic bronze after reaching an AVC-sanctioned tournament semifinals for the first time since joining the continental federation.

Galanza, who has previously suited up for the national team, is “super” excited to play with her new, young teammates.

“Many things have changed and I’m super happy since I’ll play with my younger teammates, so I’ll be challenged and learn many things from them… It’s also fun since the younger ones tend to be more relaxed,” said the Creamline superstar.

“Me and (De Guzman) will not have a hard time adjusting since we already know our tendencies and I’m very happy since I know how she led Creamline, so I will not have a hard time playing,” she continued.

The Alas Women players, along with other members of the Alas Men, were welcomed by hundreds of fans during a meet-and-greet event before the start of Day 2 of the Volleyball Nations League Manila leg.

The first hundred fans who attended the event received a photo signed by Alas players, and got photo and autograph opportunities as well.

“We didn’t expect that many people [to come], and I’m sure we wanted to meet more but there were time constraints, and we’re very thankful for their support to both the men’s and women’s Alas teams,” said De Guzman. 


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