Palace asks Supreme Court to lift TRO on pork barrel

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HANDS OFF, PLEASE. The Office of the Solicitor General asks the Supreme Court not to touch the PDAF and Malampaya fund issues, which are political rather than constitutional. File photo of the Supreme Court justices. Rappler file photo

The executive and legislative branches of government want the Supreme Court to allow the release of discretionary Priority Development Assistance Funds (PDAF), which the court suspended on September 10. Instead of a judicial review, they are hoping a “political” solution to the controversy can be found. In a 23-page comment, Solicitor General Francis Jardeleza asked the SC to partially lift the TRO, citing the welfare of scholars and indigent who rely on public funds for financial support. Jardeleza said 95 lawmakers currently have 412,078 scholars who may need to quit school if the PDAF is withheld. He also added that disbursements of PDAF is “political problem,” and therefore not for the High Court to resolve.

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