Catholic Church

Carlo Acutis canonization ‘likely’ during 2025 Jubilee – Vatican

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Carlo Acutis canonization ‘likely’ during 2025 Jubilee – Vatican

MILLENNIAL SAINT. A girl visits the tomb of Carlo Acutis, who died of leukemia in 2006 aged 15, in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Assisi, Italy, May 26, 2024. Pope Francis has cleared the way for Acutis to be the first saint of the millennial generation.

Matteo Berlenga/Reuters

Italian-born Carlo Acutis, a 15-year-old computer programmer, is dubbed ‘the first millennial saint’

MANILA, Philippines – Pope Francis and a group of cardinals approved on Monday, July 1, the canonization of 15-year-old Carlo Acutis, but did not announce the date when he will be included in the list of Catholic saints. 

Carlo Acutis canonization ‘likely’ during 2025 Jubilee – Vatican

“Blessed Carlo Acutis will likely be proclaimed a saint during the 2025 Jubilee, possibly along with other canonizations,” Vatican News reported on Monday.

The Jubilee is a Holy Year that traditionally takes place once every 25 years. It is expected to draw some 30 million pilgrims to Rome seeking forgiveness of their sins.

The canonization of Acutis is expected to give a new face for the Catholic Church during its 2025 Holy Year.

Acutis, a young computer programmer who died of leukemia on October 12, 2006, has been dubbed “the first millennial saint,” one who even watched Pokémon and played the PlayStation. The Italian-born teenager has a huge following in predominantly Catholic Philippines, which received the faith as a Spanish colony and is now struggling to keep the faith young and relevant at a time of secularism.

Carlo Acutis canonization ‘likely’ during 2025 Jubilee – Vatican

The Pope and the College of Cardinals, particularly those who reside in Rome, decided on Acutis’ canonization in a meeting on Monday called a consistory. Their approval on Monday was a formality, given that the Vatican had confirmed on May 23 that a second miracle – a prerequisite to sainthood – was attributed to Acutis’ intercession.

During Monday’s consistory, they also authorized the canonization of 14 other candidates for sainthood. Vatican News said 11 of them “were killed in hatred of the faith during the 1860 Syrian Civil War,” and are called the “Martyrs of Damascus.” The 14 other candidates will be canonized on October 20. – with reports from Reuters/

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II, news editor of Rappler, specializes in covering religion and foreign affairs. He finished MA Journalism in Ateneo and MSc Asian Studies (Religions in Plural Societies) at RSIS, Singapore. For story ideas or feedback, email