
Americans freed by North Korea after spy chief mission

Agence France-Presse

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Americans freed by North Korea after spy chief mission


(3rd UPDATE) Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller are released from North Korea, where Bae was held for two years and Miller 7 months

WASHINGTON DC, USA (3rd UPDATE) – The last two Americans serving lengthy prison sentences in North Korea were on their way home Saturday after being dramatically freed by the reclusive state following a secret mission by US intelligence chief James Clapper.

The surprise release by North Korea of Americans Kenneth Bae and Matthew Miller followed the equally unexpected decision by Pyongyang last month to free 56-year-old US national Jeffrey Fowle.

President Barack Obama hailed the “wonderful” release, as State Department officials said there had been no “quid pro quo” deal with North Korea to secure Bae and Miller’s freedom.

“The Department of State welcomes the release of US citizens Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller from the DPRK, where they have been held for two years and seven months, respectively,” a statement said.

US Director of National Intelligence Clapper traveled to North Korea and “engaged on behalf of the United States in discussions with DPRK authorities about the release of two citizens,” the statement said.

Obama, speaking just hours before leaving for a swing through Asia, welcomed the release, and praised Clapper’s role in the mission.

“I think it is a wonderful day for them and their families and obviously we are very grateful for their safe return,” he said.

“I appreciate the director (Clapper) doing a great job on what was obviously a challenging mission,” Obama added.

Family joy

Bae, a Korean-American missionary, earlier this week marked the two-year anniversary of his detention.

The sickly 46-year-old was arrested in November 2012 and later sentenced to 15 years’ hard labor.

Bae’s sister Terri Chung expressed joy at her brother’s release.

“We have been waiting for and praying for this day for two years. This ordeal has been excruciating for the family, but we are filled with joy right now,” she said in a statement.

“I am thrilled to imagine hugging my brother soon. He will not have to spend another day at a labor camp. He can now recover from this imprisonment and look forward to his wife, kids and rest of his life.

“Our Thanksgiving celebration this year will be one we will never forget.”

Miller, 24, had been sentenced to six years’ hard labor by the North Korean Supreme Court following his arrest in April, after he allegedly ripped up his visa at immigration and demanded asylum.

Washington had condemned Pyongyang over the detentions, saying the Americans were held as political hostages to extract diplomatic concessions.

North Korea has expressed interest in the past in reviving six-party talks with the US and others about its nuclear program, but Washington and insist Pyongyang must first show a tangible commitment to denuclearization.

A State Department official said Saturday the release of Bae and Miller did not reflect a shift in posture over the mothballed nuclear negotiations.

“North Korea knows what it needs to do if it wants a better relationship with the international community and wants to end its isolation and pariah status,” the official told AFP.

“North Korea must show it is serious and prepared to abide by its commitments, particularly concerning denuclearization. And they must take significant steps to improve their human rights record.

“The release of our citizens is unrelated.”

As recently as Tuesday, North Korea was maintaining its defiant stance, ruling out dialogue with the United States about its nuclear program and human rights record and accusing the US of trying to destroy its system.

The North “will never allow any human rights dialogue or nuclear one with the enemy keen to overthrow it”, a foreign ministry spokesman said through the official Korean Central News Agency. –

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