
AI art! Immersive Da Vinci exhibit heading to Manila in August

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AI art! Immersive Da Vinci exhibit heading to Manila in August

EXHIBIT. Wisdom of Da Vinci is coming to Manila.

Ouchhh's website

The international multi-sensorial experience will be at Bonifacio Global City until October

MANILA, Philippines – Award-winning Istanbul-based creative studio Ouchhh is bringing the international exhibit, Wisdom of Da Vinci: An Immersive AI Experience, to One Bonifacio High Street, Taguig City, this August!

Bonifacio Global City announced on Friday, June 2, that the exhibit, which was previously on display in Turkey and Australia, will be on its way to Manila.

Wisdom of Da Vinci is centered around the concept of “data as a paint, algorithm as a brush” and will immerse audiences in a multi-sensorial display of Leonardo Da Vinci’s works as interpreted by artificial intelligence. It promises a “one-of-a-kind interpretation of art and science through AI data paintings.”

It is described as a “celebration of art, light, and technology,” featuring “mesmerizing thematic galleries.” The guided walk experience is approximately one hour long, which includes “the exploration of digital art in the marketplace, a captivating journey deciphering Poetic AI, and the immersive hall of the Wisdom of Da Vinci and other visual masters.”

WISDOM OF DA VINCI. BGC Immersive’s website

Wisdom of Da Vinci will run from August to October 2023 at the third level of One Bonifacio High Street, 5th Avenue, BGC, Taguig City. General admission is at P975 and the student pass is at P780, while the discount pass for senior citizens and PWDs is at P680. Tickets may be purchased starting Friday, through the official BGC Immersive website. A limited amount of tickets will be available per day for certain time slots, so it is encouraged to book in advance.

One Bonifacio High Street previously hosted the immersive Van Gogh Alive exhibit, which ran from October to December 2019. It featured Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings displayed on floors, walls, and ceilings. –

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