Marcos Jr. administration

Marcos godson Paul Soriano goes on ‘leave’ as adviser 

Bea Cupin

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Marcos godson Paul Soriano goes on ‘leave’ as adviser 

Director Paul Soriano posts a photo with President Marcos and Senator Mark Villar.

Paul Soriano's Instagram

Communications Secretary Cheloy Garafil says Paul Soriano is on leave for personal reasons. No other details were made available to media. 

MANILA, Philippines – Without citing specifics, Malacañang on Tuesday, July 25, said director Paul Soriano, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s godson and adviser for creative communications, was on leave. 

Presidential Communications Office Secretary Cheloy Garafil told reporters on the sidelines of a state visit to Malaysia that Soriano, who pioneered the advisory post, filed his leave before Marcos’ second State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 24. 

She said the leave as due to “personal reasons,” according to GMA News Online. 

Soriano was appointed to the post in October 2022. Soriano said his role involved helping other government agencies craft their communications plan. Soriano was also a frequent member of presidential delegations during official overseas Marcos trips. 

The director played a pivotal role in Marcos’ 2022 election campaign – crafting his television and online campaign ads. Soriano’s wife, TV personality and actress Toni Gonzaga, was also among Marcos’ biggest celebrity campaigners. 

Soriano was initially slated to direct the SONA for the second time on July 24, but the task was later reassigned to Radio Television Malacañang or RTVM. –

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Bea Cupin

Bea is a senior multimedia reporter who covers national politics. She's been a journalist since 2011 and has written about Congress, the national police, and the Liberal Party for Rappler.