Rappler awards

Rappler recognized by DOH for its public health reporting


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Rappler recognized by DOH for its public health reporting
Rappler's Bonz Magsambol and Sofia Tomacruz are recognized for their 'delivery of accurate and timely information and invaluable contribution to responsible journalism in public health'

MANILA, Philippines – Rappler was recognized on Tuesday, December 20, by the Department of Health (DOH) for its stories on public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Multimedia reporters Bonz Magsambol and Sofia Tomacruz, and Rappler’s production team were awarded Tanyag na Ulat na Pangkalusugan for their in-depth interviews with health experts to make sense of the pandemic issues.

The DOH awarded Magsambol for a Rappler Talk episode he anchored titled, “Is PH ready to remove masks indoors?” while Tomacruz was recognized for a Rappler Talk interview titled, “Rappler Talk: Health workers on how PH can recover from COVID-19.”

The DOH said that Magsambol and Tomacruz were recognized for their “delivery of accurate and timely information and invaluable contribution to responsible journalism in public health.”

Watch the Rappler Talk episodes below.

Rappler recognized by DOH for its public health reporting

Rappler recognized by DOH for its public health reporting

The awarding ceremony was held during the special media briefing of the agency at the Timberland Highlands Resort in San Mateo, Rizal. The program was led by DOH officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire. – Rappler.com

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