
SM Supermalls celebrates big wins at 2024 Asia Pacific Tambuli Awards

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SM Supermalls celebrates big wins at 2024 Asia Pacific Tambuli Awards
The group was recognized for their water conservation efforts and Hans T. Sy's dedication to philanthropy, environmental advocacy , and corporate leadership

SM Supermalls brought home two remarkable achievements at the prestigious 2024 Asia Pacific Tambuli Awards held on June 4 at the Grand Hyatt Manila.

SM Supermalls’ groundbreaking Rainwater Project by SM Cares earned a Bronze Award in the Care for the Environment category. This remarkable feat furthers the organization’s innovative efforts in water conservation and environmental stewardship by collecting and turning rainwater into potable water that is safe for drinking. This is especially beneficial to the residents of Baguio City, where water shortages are prevalent.

RAINWATER TREATMENT. SM City Baguio’s Rainwater Treatment Facility processes rainwater into potable water safe for drinking

In a momentous highlight of the evening, Hans T. Sy, chairman of the executive committee of SM Prime Holdings, was honored with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. Sy’s unwavering dedication to philanthropy, environmental advocacy, and corporate leadership has left an indelible mark on society, inspiring positive change and empowerment across the Philippines and beyond.

Reflecting on his journey, Sy delivered a poignant acceptance speech, emphasizing the transformative power of personal advocacy and collective action. “I am deeply honored and humbled to stand before you today to accept the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2024 Tambuli Awards… I am filled with optimism for the future if we can inspire collective action. Together, I believe we can build a more sustainable and prosperous world for generations to come,” he said.

Sy’s speech underscored SM’s enduring commitment to sustainability, community development, and corporate responsibility. Through initiatives such as comprehensive disaster risk reduction strategies, SM continues to spearhead meaningful change and uplift communities nationwide.

ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS. Solar Panels at SM City Santa Rosa, Rainwater Treatment Facility at SM City Baguio, SM Cares’ Trash to Cash Program, and SM Supermalls’ EV Charging Stations

As SM Supermalls looks ahead, it remains steadfast in its mission to champion sustainability, disaster risk reduction, innovation, and social responsibility. The organization reaffirms its dedication to creating a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.

The Asia Pacific Tambuli Awards celebrates excellence in marketing communications, recognizing successful marketing campaigns and sustainability and corporate purpose initiatives that positively impact the world. Established in 2005, the Tambuli Awards honor organizations and individuals who demonstrate exceptional dedication to driving meaningful social change through innovative marketing strategies.

To know more about SM Supermalls’ innovative programs, visit www.smsupermalls.com or follow @SMSupermalls on social media. – Rappler.com


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