
Thinking of earning an MBA? Start small with a Pre-MBA

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Thinking of earning an MBA? Start small with a Pre-MBA
GLOBIS is named the no. 1 MBA school by the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in terms of enrollment

By now, you have probably listed down the pros and cons of taking on a master’s in business administration (MBA) program. You’re well aware that while an MBA can be time-consuming and somewhat costly, it can also help you with career advancement, upskilling, and increasing your earning potential.

It will also be an opportunity to build a global network of like-minded individuals and mentors, help you cultivate a meaningful business perspective, and overall grow as a professional.

An MBA degree will serve as proof of having several key attributes and competencies that are highly valued in the business world. And if you’re still considering whether an MBA is right for you, taking a Pre-MBA can help you decide before fully committing to a program.

What is Pre-MBA?

Not all schools that offer MBAs offer Pre-MBA programs. So to sign up for an MBA would mean having to finish an entire course to fully reap its benefits, which generally takes two years to complete.

Schools like GLOBIS University, on the other hand, offer courses through their Pre-MBA program to help prospective students gauge if an MBA is suited for them first. These courses would only take three months, and students would be awarded transferrable MBA credits and a certificate upon completion.

Pre-MBA courses are meant to help you prepare for an MBA by providing a foundation of critical skills and confidence in navigating school life. It also serves as a transition period for those who haven’t been a student in a while. A Pre-MBA certificate would also strengthen your application as MBA programs often have rigorous application standards.

Studying with Japan’s No. 1 MBA

Filipinos and Philippine residents can now get the same quality of education provided by GLOBIS University, one of Japan’s top MBA schools and is the highest in terms of student numbers according to the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Through its local arm in the Philippines, GLOBIS Manila, the school offers a unique Pre-MBA program in a hybrid format, where classes are held online and in-person. Students can enjoy the convenience of taking classes in the comfort of their homes or studying together in a classroom setting with their peers. GLOBIS’s MBA Programs are designed to make an MBA degree more accessible. Students can start with as little as one course through the Pre-MBA Program and earn MBA credits that can be transferred to their full MBA degree. The fees that they pay will also be deducted from their MBA tuition fee later on. Pre-MBA courses are actual courses from the GLOBIS MBA Curriculum, demonstrating that Pre-MBA classes are taken just as seriously as those in MBA programs.

Apart from earning an MBA degree, students will also benefit from the Japanese management philosophy behind GLOBIS, as well as its global reputation. GLOBIS Manila is the latest addition to GLOBIS University’s international presence, with other hub campuses established in the USA, Europe, China, Singapore, and Thailand.

GLOBIS MBA is centered on a Japanese concept called kokorozashi, which denotes that “everyone has a unique personal mission in life” and that this mission unifies the passions and skills of a professional to bring positive change to society. The goal of GLOBIS is to help people find their kokorozashi and develop them into “visionary leaders who create and innovate societies.”

GLOBIS Pre-MBA courses

GLOBIS Manila launched in the Philippines earlier this year with the goal to help more Filipinos experience Japan’s No. 1 MBA. With the Philippines making up the largest non-Japanese student body of the GLOBIS international program, their strong Filipino alumni network supports students throughout their MBA journey.

GLOBIS Manila is now accepting applicants for their July Pre-MBA offering, the Essentials of Marketing and Strategy (EMS) course, which will run from July to September. Students enrolled in the EMS course will understand the significance of strategy and marketing in corporate management. They will learn how to develop competitive strategies from a top management perspective, along with foundational marketing concepts and their applications. Additionally, students will be introduced to frameworks and analytical methods through practical applications.

With a focus on practical learning, GLOBIS courses are taught by business leaders who are experts in their fields. The EMS course will be taught by Sven Van Stichel. He is currently the chief marketing officer of GLOBIS Europe and has over ten years of experience in the Asia-Pacific region. Stitchel is currently the chief marketing officer of GLOBIS Europe and has worked as a consultant for corporate clients in different industries including pharmaceuticals, IT, and finance.

Trial classes and enrollment

If GLOBIS Manila’s Pre-MBA interests you, a free online trial class will be held on July 4 (sign up here). There will also be an info session on admissions, scholarships and other frequently asked questions on June 25 (sign up here).

Their quick application process only requires you to answer an essay question apart from filling in personal details. You can start your application by clicking this link. The course costs P70,000, but self-funded students can apply for a 30% scholarship discount and have their one-time application fees waived, which brings the fees down to P42,700 (before VAT). The deadline to apply for the July Term Pre-MBA course is on July 7, 2024.

For more information, you can visit https://globis.ph/ or email imba-info@globis.ac.jp – Rappler.com

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GLOBIS Manila, Inc.

GLOBIS was founded in 1992 by entrepreneur Yoshito Hori as a single marketing course in a small, rented classroom in downtown Tokyo. Since then, they’ve grown into Japan’s No. 1 MBA (based on number of students according to MEXT2022). Inspired by his time at Harvard Business School, Hori sought to combine the case method’s discussion-centric classes and real-life business examples with the search for a "kokorozashi", or personal mission. He saw the need for leadership education, especially in Japan, which would allow motivated, mission-driven individuals to innovate more freely within their organizations. The result was a unique MBA experience that cultivates practical business skills and social leadership.