European Union

Call for research proposals on EU’s impact on PH: Gaps, opportunities

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Call for research proposals on EU’s impact on PH: Gaps, opportunities
PRESS RELEASE: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Philippines invites research proposals on the impact of the European Union on the Philippines

This is a press release from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Philippines.

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Philippines announces its call for submission of research proposals on the impact of the European Union on the Philippines and the existing gaps and opportunities.


KAS Philippines invites research proposals on the impact of the European Union on the Philippines and the gaps and opportunities with the themes of:

  • Politics
  • Justice and the rule of law
  • Business
  • Climate and the environment
  • Science and technology
  • Health care

The research must be finalized by November 15, 2021, at the latest.

KAS Philippines expects the following outputs:

  1. A full research paper to be posted on KAS Philippines’ official website and social media accounts and for possible publication come 2022
  2. Presentation of the paper in a three-day online event
  3. A three- to four-page policy brief that will summarize the paper’s findings

The applicant can be an individual, a group, or an organization, with proven education and experience on the theme provided. Individual/s must have at least a related master’s degree or higher. Doctorate holders are preferred. For groups or organizations, the main lead must have at least a master’s degree.


One research proposal will be selected for each research theme and every successful proposal will be given P22,000 for every month of work (one working month = 22 working days; one working day = 8 hours of work). After shortlisting and interviews, the candidates will be informed if their proposals were successful or not.

It is possible for one individual, group, or organization to work on several research papers if they have compelling proposals and can prove that can finish the research papers within the timeline they’ve indicated.

Release of the fees will be done in tranches (for every draft submission until the final submission) and in accordance with KAS administrative and financial policies (e.g., submission of honoraria forms, timesheets, narrative reports, outputs). Recipients will be chosen by and will sign a cooperation agreement with KAS Philippines.


All applications must include:

  1. Information about the individual, group, or organization (background information, curriculum vitae, contact details, etc.)
  2. Abstract
  3. Research proposal (theoretical/conceptual research framework; review of literature; research questions; methodology; and references)
  4. Detailed timeline
Application deadlines and submission

Proposals must be emailed to:

Ms. Tonette de Jesus
Senior Program Manager
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Philippines


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