film festivals

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Asian International Children’s Film Festival 2023

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CALL FOR ENTRIES: Asian International Children’s Film Festival 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Deadline of submission for video entries and other requirements is extended until September 15, 2023

This is a press release from the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines.

Lights, Camera, Action! The Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC) of the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines, in cooperation with the National Youth Commission (NYC), is proud to announce that applications for the “JENESYS 2023 ASEAN -Japan Art Exchange ~ 16th Asian International Children’s Film Festival AICFF~” is still open! 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Japan (MOFA-Japan), through the NYC, will organize the JENESYS 2023 ASEAN-Japan Art Exchange: Attending the 16th Asian International Children’s Film Festival.

Now in its 16th year, the Asian International Children’s Film Festival promotes friendship and goodwill among Asian youths through filmmaking. Young filmmakers from various parts of Asia are invited to Japan for a competition and days of cultural exchange activities that culminate in an awarding ceremony for winning film entries. This year, the film festival focuses on the theme “What I Want.”

Filipino high school students grades 10 to 12 (15-18 years old), except those who have already been to Japan as part of previous Asian International Children’s Film Festivals, are encouraged to join and submit their own three-minute videos under the theme. Deadline of submission for video entries and other requirements is extended on or before September 15, 2023, 11:59 pm.  

The top three teams (composed of nine Filipino junior or senior high school youth delegates) from the Philippines will be sent to Japan to compete in the international leg of the contest. All expenses will be borne by the Government of Japan through the JENESYS2023 Programme. The program will be held on October 10, 2023 (online pre-exchange program), and December 12-19, 2023, in Tokyo and Hyogo, Japan. 

Please send all queries to with subject heading ”JENESYS 2023 ASEAN-Japan Art Exchange (Attending the 16th Asian International Children’s Festival).” Visit the National Youth Commission website for the full guidelines and mechanics. –

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