film festivals

Mulat Documentary Guild highlights Filipino pop culture in first-ever festival

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Mulat Documentary Guild highlights Filipino pop culture in first-ever festival

Windelyn Noval/Mulat Documentary Guild

PRESS RELEASE: The recently concluded Mulat Documentary Festival 2024 aimed to showcase art and narratives that shape the nation's identity

The following is a press release from Mulat Documentary Guild.

Mulat Documentary Guild, the official documentary organization of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, held its first-ever Mulat Documentary Festival 2024, celebrating Philippine pop culture through the lens of student documentary filmmakers. 

Themed “What’s Poppin’?: Mga Kwentong Pop Culture,” the festival concluded its first edition at the Cinematheque Centre Manila on June 8, which aimed to showcase art and narratives that shape the nation’s identity. 

Five student production houses from Mulat Documentary Guild participated, each offering a unique perspective on Philippine pop culture, including Matamasa Productions, Tambuli Productions, H2X4 Productions, Alapaap Productions, and Salinlahi Productions.

The awarding ceremony recognized outstanding achievements. Sa Muling Pagsulsi by Salinlahi Productions took home Best Documentary. Himig ang Paningin by Matamasa Productions claimed the Second Best Documentary, while Untucked by Alapaap Productions secured the Third Best Documentary. The organization also recognized outstanding achievements in other categories.

Here is the full list of winners:

  • Best Documentary Title: Himig ang Paningin
  • Best Trailer: Biyahe ng Sining
  • Best Poster: Komic Empress
  • Best Research: Untucked, Himig ang Paningin, Sa Muling Pagsulsi
  • Best Sound: Sa Muling Pagsulsi
  • Best Cinematography: Biyahe ng Sining
  • Best Editing: Sa Muling Pagsulsi
  • Best Director: Kyle Ampuan, Sa Muling Pagsulsi
  • Best Concept: Himig ang Paningin
  • Best Story: Untucked, Himig ang Paningin, Biyahe ng Sining
  • 3rd Best Documentary: Untucked
  • 2nd Best Documentary: Himig ang Paningin
  • Best Documentary: Sa Muling Pagsulsi

The festival’s board of judges consisted of i-Witness program manager Joseph Conrad Rubio, documentary filmmaker Adjani Arumpac, Mulat Documentary Guild adviser Prestoline Suyat, and GMA Public Affairs program researcher Harold Nowell Perez.

“I’m still in awe. I still can’t believe that I won Best Director because it was my first time being a director. I am happy that I was able to make a documentary that will inspire and teach many people a valuable lesson,” said Salinlahi Productions director Kyle Ampuan.

Project head Mary Joy Jalandoni shared how project leaders had to schedule meetings at night because they were busy with academic responsibilities during daytime. Jalandoni also expressed gratitude for the efforts of her team.

Co-project head Julia Fye Manzano highlighted the importance of providing a platform where students can showcase their expertise in their craft. She added that this festival enabled members to build a stronger bond with one another.

Mulat DocuFest 2024 was presented by the Film Development Council of the Philippines and Cinematheque Centre Manila, in partnership with Rappler, Philippines Communications Society, Now You Know, Explained PH, UMak Student Multimedia Organization, and Quadro Photography Club, and sponsored by Pastil sa Teresa. –

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