women empowerment

PUP JME champions women, inclusivity in ‘Kaleidoscope’ event


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PUP JME champions women, inclusivity in ‘Kaleidoscope’ event
PRESS RELEASE: The PUP Junior Marketing Executives will hold its first women-themed event on Saturday, July 6, at the PUP Manila Claro M. Recto Hall

The following is a press release from the PUP Junior Marketing Executives.

The PUP Junior Marketing Executives (JME) marks a significant milestone heralding their first-ever event themed “Kaleidoscope: Championing Gender Equality, Amplifying Women’s Narrative,” dedicated to celebrating women.

At the heart of Kaleidoscope is a commitment to sharing authentic stories and unfiltered narratives of women. This event serves as a platform where women from diverse backgrounds can openly discuss the obstacles they’ve faced, the valuable lessons they’ve learned, and the triumphs they’ve achieved.

With a core mission to celebrate and acknowledge the triumphs of every woman in our society, this event embodies the essence of empowerment, emphasizing that regardless of gender, individuals can chart their own path to success.

Kaleidoscope isn’t just about women; it’s about inclusivity, reaching out to all genders who have faced barriers in their quest to be seen and heard.


  • Inaugural women-themed event hosted by PUP JME
  • Partnered make-up brand conducting Make-up Class/Workshop
  • BrandBlitz: Advertisement Making Competition for Marketing Students, in collaboration with corporate partnerss
  • SheRoar: Impromptu Speech Competition
  • SlayHER: Modelling Competition
  • Trashion Kween: Fashion Design Competition
  • HerStory: Interactive and Informative Postings
  • WorkHER: Brand Festival
  • JuanaWork: Career and Internship Festival

Join us for this transformative event on Saturday, July 6, from 1 pm to 5 pm at the Polytechnic University Manila Claro M. Recto Hall. This event promises to bring kaleidoscopic change, a moment to witness and celebrate the diverse and vibrant stories of women who inspire us all.

Make HERstory by registering here.

For more information, visit the Kaleidoscope website.

– Rappler.com

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