Pisay extends application for scholars to January 15

Aries N. Oliveros

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Pisay extends application for scholars to January 15

PISAY. Façade of the building of the Philippine Science High School System-Office of the Executive Director located along Agham Road in Diliman, Quezon City.

Photo by Aries N. Oliveros

Due to the pandemic, Philippine Science High School will not be holding its yearly admission test. Interested applicants who fit the criteria may apply online.

The deadline for the application for aspiring scholars to the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System, which has 16 campuses around the country, has been extended to January 15.

To avoid the spread of COVID-19 among thousands of examinees, the PSHS System has adapted the Requirements for Admission, Criteria, and Evaluation (RACE) in lieu of the National Competitive Exam (NCE).

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The selection procedure is composed of two stages: determining the applicant’s predicted NCE grade, which is based on final grades in science and mathematics in grade 5, and combining accumulated scores from the applicant’s academic rank at the end of grade 5, and reviewing the applicant’s personal essay on a particular topic.

Applicants will be ranked from highest to lowest based on the final score.

The top 240 applicants are considered as principal qualifiers of the flagship PSHS-Main Campus in Diliman, Quezon City.

The top 90 or 120 applicants, depending on the quota of the PSHS campus, are principal qualifiers of the 15 regional campuses around the country.

A grade 6 elementary pupil from a duly recognized school by the Department of Education who meets the following criteria may apply:

  • with a final grade of 85% or better in science or mathematics or in the upper 10% of the graduating class
  • a Filipino citizen with no pending approved application as immigrant to any foreign country
  • born on or after August 1, 2006  
  • with at least a satisfactory rating or its equivalent in his or her character rating
  • has not taken the DOST-PSHS National Competitive Examination (NCE) previously
  • preferably in good health and fit to undergo a rigorous academic program

Applicants may now apply online through this link and pay online a non-refundable application fee (for private school students) of P300 through this link.

For frequently asked questions about RACE, interested parties may visit this link. – Rappler.com

Aries N. Oliveros used to teach campus journalism. He loves science and feature writing. He is currently the executive secretary of the executive director of the Philippine Science High School System.

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