Lafarge reopens Cebu cement plant

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The reopening will allow the company to increase its cement production by one million tons per year

BACK ON STREAM. Lafarge's cement plant in Cebu, Philippines reopens. Photo by AFP

MANILA, Philippines – Lafarge Republic Inc. reopened its Danao City cement manufacturing plant, which will increase its production by one million tons per year starting 2013.

In a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange, Lafarge said its plant in Danao, Cebu will allow it to meet higher demand for cement.

“The revamped plant in Danao is one of several capacity expansion projects being undertaken by LRI to respond to the growing demand for building materials and the other backlog of construction projects of the leading construction companies,” the company’s Corporate Secretary Ma. Ruby Sarah Nitorreda said.

Lafarge said it targets to supply additional 200 kilo tons of cement in Luzon per year, 650 kilo tons in Visayas and 100 kilo tons in Mindanao. –

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