Tacloban airport back to normal after stalled jet removed


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Tacloban airport back to normal after stalled jet removed
All commercial flights can now use the airport's runway, after the private plane that skidded off the runway last Saturday has been removed from the runway's side

MANILA, Philippines – Operations at Tacloban’s Daniel Z. Romualdez Airport are back to normal Tuesday, January 20, following a mishap last Saturday, January 17.

“The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) lifted the notice to airmen at the Daniel Z. Romualdez airport in Tacloban City at 3:47 am today allowing all flights to normalize operations,” the CAAP said in a statement.

All commercial flights can now use the airport’s runway, after the private plane that skidded off the runway last Saturday has been removed from the runway’s side.

“The aircraft was removed from site and move to a distance that is no longer a runway obstruction,” Joya was quoted in the CAAP statement as saying. With this, larger aircraft such as the Airbus A320 or the Boeing 737 can now use the airfield.

Flight operations at the airport were disrupted after the accident, involving a Bombardier jet that skidded offf the runway as it attempted to take off in stormy weather caused by Tropical Storm Amang (Mekkhala).

The plane was part of the four-aircraft party that accompanied Pope Francis on his trip to Leyte, the highlight of his seven-day state and pastoral visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines. (FAST FACTS: Tacloban Airport)

The Bombardier jet involved in the mishap carried top Cabinet officials who were there to oversee the government preparations for the historic visit.

That Saturday, the papal plane was able to depart less than an hour prior. (READ: Storm forces Pope Francis to shorten Leyte visit)

Prior to the removal of the stalled plane, aircraft that were able to land on 1,500-meter runways are jets or turbo-propeller planes such as Bombardier Dash 8 and ATR 72-500, which has a seating capacity of 72.

Commercial flights in and out of Tacloban were disrupted in the succeeding days due to the combination of the storm’s effects and the obstructing jet, causing multiple delays and hundreds of passenger bookings adjusted. – Rappler.com

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