malls in the Philippines

LIST: Megaworld malls with electric vehicle charging stations

Ralf Rivas

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LIST: Megaworld malls with electric vehicle charging stations

ELECTRIC VEHICLE. An electric vehicle charging station at Uptown Mall, Bonifacio Global City.

Megaworld Corporation

Megaworld's malls get accredited by the Department of Energy for following requirements and regulations for electric vehicle charging stations. Here's a list of where their charging stations are.

MANILA, Philippines – Property developer Megaworld Corporation is ramping up its installation of electric vehicle charging stations in its malls, as more people opt for e-vehicles.

Megaworld recently received accreditation from the Department of Energy for its sustainability project called “Park. Charge. Drive.” This means that the company follows government requirements and regulations for electric vehicle charging stations.

“This project successfully served 1,135 electric vehicles, saving an estimated amount of P150,000 worth of fuel by providing 20,000 kilowatt hours of consumption electricity in its first few months, proving that there is a widespread community that uses e-vehicles as a mode of transportation,” Megaworld said in a news release on Monday, April 29.

ELECTRIC VEHICLE. An electric vehicle charging station in the parking lot of Uptown Mall in Bonifacio Global City. Photo from Megaworld Corporation

Currently, Megaworld Lifestyle Malls has charging stations at the following properties:

  • Eastwood Mall – 1st level basement parking
  • Forbes Town – 1st level basement parking
  • Uptown Mall – 2nd level basement parking
  • Uptown Parade – ground level open parking
  • Arcovia City – open parking near showroom

The following properties will soon have charging stations:

  • McKinley Hill
  • Lucky Chinatown
  • Iloilo Festive Walk


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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.