airports in the Philippines

Mactan-Cebu airport gets customer experience accreditation from Airports Council International

John Sitchon

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Mactan-Cebu airport gets customer experience accreditation from Airports Council International

CEBU AIRPORT. A fie photo of the Mactan Cebu International Airport.


In 2021, the Mactan-Cebu International Airport received the Airport Health Accreditation from ACI that highlights passenger and personnel health and safety

CEBU, Philippines – The Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA) has become the first airport in the Philippines to receive the Airport Customer Experience Accreditation for Airport Service Quality from the Airports Council International (ACI).

“This accomplishment reflects our commitment to raising the bar and setting new standards for customer service and satisfaction in the airport sector,” Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) General Manager and CEO Julius Neri Jr. said in a statement.

Established in 1991, ACI has 712 members in 171 countries that operate 1,925 airports. Their primary mission is to unite airport authorities through the standardization of safe, secure, and sustainable aviation industry practices.

At present, the organization’s customer experience accreditation program invites participating airports to a comprehensive review and training sessions that include stakeholder and employee engagement, and staff development.

ACI described it as “the only accreditation program in the airport industry to provide a 360 degree view of customer experience management.”

In 2021, the MCIA also received the Airport Health Accreditation from ACI that highlights passenger and personnel health and safety.

The airport serves millions of foreign and local travelers each year and is considered the second busiest airline hub in the Philippines. In its 2022 statistics report, the MCIA served a total of 10,430,729 passengers. –

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