
Mimaropa workers get P40 minimum wage increase

Michelle Abad

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Mimaropa workers get P40 minimum wage increase

SOURCE OF LIVELIHOOD. Fishing is a primary livelihood and food source for over 2,600 residents of Manamoc, an island barangay in the fourth-class town of Cuyo in Palawan. Photo by Jackson Zumarraga

Jackson Zumarraga

Beginning December 7, minimum wages will be P395 for establishments with 10 or more workers, and P369 for establishments with less than 10 workers

MANILA, Philippines – The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) in Mimaropa has approved a P40-increase for minimum wage earners across all sectors beginning December 7.

The RTWPB moto proprio issued Wage Order No. RB-MIMAROPA-11 on October 24, which was published on Tuesday, November 21. The increase is expected to benefit the 46,861 minimum wage earners in the region.

The increase brings the daily minimum wage rates to P395 for establishments with 10 or more workers, and P369 for establishments with less than 10 workers.

The Department of Labor and Employment, in announcing the wage increase on Wednesday, November 22, said that around 113,324 full-time wage and salary workers earning above the minimum wage may also indirectly benefit from the increase as a result of upward adjustments at the enterprise level.

The monthly minimum salary for domestic workers was also increased in Mimaropa by P1,000, bringing the minimum monthly rate to P5,500.

There are around 28,269 domestic workers in the region, of whom 21% or 5,800 are in live-in arrangements.

Retail or service establishments regularly employing less than 10 workers, as well as enterprises affected by natural calamities or human-induced disasters may apply for exemption of paying the new minimum wage with the RTWPB.

The last time Mimaropa minimum wage earners got an increase was in June 2022.

TRACKER: Minimum wages in the Philippines

TRACKER: Minimum wages in the Philippines

Inflation in Mimaropa decreased from 6.8% in September to 5.9% in October, according to the regional Philippine Statistics Authority. Main contributors of the decrease were food and non-alcoholic beverages with 7.4% inflation, transport at -2% inflation, and housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels at 4%. – Rappler.com

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Michelle Abad

Michelle Abad is a multimedia reporter at Rappler. She covers the rights of women and children, migrant Filipinos, and labor.