Zamboanga Peninsula

P30-minimum wage increase granted in Zamboanga Peninsula

Michelle Abad

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P30-minimum wage increase granted in Zamboanga Peninsula

ZAMBOANGA CITY. Zamboanga City Hall and Rizal Park.

Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ mbb8356, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Starting November 12, minimum wages in the Zamboanga Peninsula will range from P368 to P381

MANILA, Philippines – The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board in the Zamboanga Peninsula has granted a P30-increase in minimum wages across all sectors.

According to Wage Order No. RIX-22, published October 27 but announced by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to the media on Tuesday, November 7, minimum wages in the region now range from P368 to P381. They take effect on November 12.

For non-agricultural workers and retail or service establishments with 31 workers or more, the minimum wage will move up from P381 to P351.

For retail or service establishments employing 10 to 30 workers, the minimum wage will increase from P338 to P368. There will also be a P13-increase in a second tranche for this category set to take effect on February 1, 2024, setting the minimum at P381 by then.

For retail or service establishments with 1 to 9 workers, as well as agricultural enterprises, the minimum wage is raised from P338 to P368.

Meanwhile, through Wage Order No. RIX-DW-04 also published on October 27, domestic workers in the region will also get a P600-increase in their monthly minimum wages – from P4,000 to P4,600 in chartered cities and first-class municipalities, and from P3,500 to P4,100 in other municipalities.

The DOLE said that both wage orders were done motu proprio. It still held public hearings in Zamboanga Sibugay, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga del Norte, and Zamboanga City in September.

The new minimum wage rates for private sector workers translate to a 9% to 13% increase, and are expected to benefit 56,848 minimum wage earners in the Zamboanga Peninsula.

“About 121,490 full-time wage and salary workers earning above the minimum wage may also indirectly benefit as a result of upward adjustments at the enterprise level arising from the correction of wage distortion,” DOLE said.

Some 18,984 domestic workers are also seen to benefit from the increases.

The last minimum wage increase in the region was in 2022. –

TRACKER: Minimum wages in the Philippines

TRACKER: Minimum wages in the Philippines

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Michelle Abad

Michelle Abad is a multimedia reporter at Rappler. She covers the rights of women and children, migrant Filipinos, and labor.