
Oscar Lopez dies at 93

Jairo Bolledo

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Oscar Lopez dies at 93

FAREWELL. File photo of Oscar M. Lopez.

Rockwell Land's official website

Oscar Lopez is the chairman emeritus of the Lopez Group of Companies and First Philippine Holdings Corporation

MANILA, Philippines – Oscar Lopez, the patriarch of the prominent Lopez clan, passed away at the age of 93 on Saturday, April 22.

The death was first reported by ABS-CBN News. First Philippine Holdings also confirmed the news through Facebook on Sunday morning.

Lopez was the chairman emeritus of the Lopez Group of Companies and First Philippine Holdings Corporation. He headed the corporation for over 25 years, and only stepped down in 2010.

Aside from that, the late businessman was also the director of the ABS-CBN Corporation, and served as chairman of the Lopez Group Foundation and the Eugenio Lopez Foundation that oversees the Lopez Museum and Library, according to ABS-CBN News.

Aside from his great interest in businesses, Lopez was also known for being a health buff, a mountain climber, and a nature lover. At the age of 82, he was even invited to speak during the 101st commencement exercises of the University of the Philippines Diliman.

In 2012, Lopez founded a center that would “support the generation of the science and technology needed for building resilient communities.” The Lopez Group of Companies provided the initial funds for the establishment of the Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc., which was named after the late Lopez patriarch.

Lopez’s siblings include the late ABS-CBN chairman Geny Lopez Jr. and former Meralco chairperson Manolo Lopez, who just recently passed away last January. –

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Jairo Bolledo

Jairo Bolledo is a multimedia reporter at Rappler covering justice, police, and crime.