
[Ask The Tax Whiz] What is Notice Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI)? 

Mon Abrea

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[Ask The Tax Whiz] What is Notice Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI)? 


The Philippine Tax Whiz discusses the replacement of Ask for Receipt Notice to Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoices and its extension
What is NIRI?

A “Notice to Issue Receipt/Invoice” (NIRI) is a notice to be displayed in a highly visible location at the seller’s place of business. The NIRI replaces the display of “Ask for Receipt Notice” by the BIR.

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Who must display the new Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI)?

All registered business taxpayers, including online sellers and individuals engaged in online business transactions, must exhibit the new Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI).

How can I obtain my NIRI? 

In order to secure the NIRI, taxpayers should have the following requirements; 

  1. Accomplished BIR Form S1905 – Registration Update Sheet to indicate/update your designated official email address (for corporation), old version of BIR Form 1905 (for individual)
  2. Old copy of Ask for Receipt Notice 
  3. Secretary’s certificate for authorized representative 
  4. Valid IDs (owner and authorized representative)
When is the deadline for obtaining my NIRI? 

Initially, under RMO No. 43-2022, business taxpayers were required to replace the old Ask For Receipt Notice (ARN) with the new Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI) by June 30, 2023. With the issuance of RMC No. 75-2023 the BIR has extended the deadline until September 30, 2023. 

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What are the penalties if I didn’t replace my old Ask for Receipt Notice? 

Business taxpayers who fail to replace the old Ask For Receipt Notice (ARN) with the new Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI) by September 30, 2023, will be imposed a penalty of a fine of not more than P1,000. 

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Changes in compliance requirements may be hard to keep track of and failure to comply with these changes could have repercussions for your business. Keep up to date with tax compliance requirements by using apps, such as the TaxWhizPH mobile app, which informs its users of any changes to tax requirements. –

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