Philippine infrastructure

Ramon Ang backpedals on PAREX cancellation, project now just ‘on hold’

Ralf Rivas

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Ramon Ang backpedals on PAREX cancellation, project now just ‘on hold’

TYCOON. San Miguel Corporation president and CEO Ramon Ang.

Ralf Rivas/Rappler

(1st UPDATE) 'Ang Ilog Pasig ay hindi para sa negosyo. Ang kalikasan ay para sa tao,' says Ilog Pasiglahin, as tycoon Ramon Ang backtracks on his previous statement on scrapping the Pasig River Expressway

MANILA, Philippines – San Miguel Corporation (SMC) president and chief executive officer Ramon Ang has backpedaled on the scrapping of the controversial P95-billion Pasig River Expressway (PAREX), saying that the project is merely on hold.

On the sidelines of the Philippine Economic Forum on Monday, May 27, Ang confirmed news reports that SMC did not send a formal withdrawal to the Toll Regulatory Board.

“We are addressing ‘yung mga concerns. ‘Di ba maraming concern, maraming nagsasabi na hindi maganda. Sinusubukan nating i-address, kaya naka-hold ngayon muna,” Ang said.

(We are addressing the concerns. Many concerns were raised, many are saying the project would not be good. We are addressing these concerns, so the project is on hold.)

“Kina-clarify natin ‘yung mga concern ng mga tao. ‘Pag na-clarify natin at mas maraming taong may gusto and it will benefit more people, why not, ‘di ba? Ngayon naka-hold na,” he added.

(We are clarifying the concerns of the people. If we clarify those and more people want the project and it will benefit more people, why not, right? Now it’s on hold.)

Must Read

Be The Good: PAREX and reimagining Pasig River

Be The Good: PAREX and reimagining Pasig River

Ang proposed PAREX as a way to help ease Metro Manila traffic, but various groups and individuals oppose it, saying that it would only negatively impact public mobility, heritage, environment, and public health.

Ang told reporters last March that the project would not push through, noting critics’ voices.

Petition vs PAREX

In a statement on Monday, at least 20 organizations said they have signed a petition urging Ang to scrap PAREX.

The coalition called Ilog Pasiglahin said Ang’s latest statement is clear that the tycoon was not really listening to the public’s call.

“Ang hindi pagkansela ng PAREX ay patibay na hindi tunay na nakikinig si G. Ang at ang SMC sa pulso ng bayan at daing ng ating kalikasan,” Ilog Pasiglahin said.

(The non-cancellation of PAREX is proof that Mr. Ang and SMC are not truly listening to the pulse of the people and the cries of our environment.)

Ang Ilog Pasig ay hindi para sa negosyo. Ang kalikasan ay para sa tao (The Pasig River is not for business. Nature is for the people).” –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.