
Samsung Electronics union in South Korea says will strike indefinitely


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Samsung Electronics union in South Korea says will strike indefinitely

SAMSUNG STRIKE. The National Samsung Electronics Union workers hold placards and shout slogans during a general strike to disrupt production between July 8 and 10, in front of the Samsung Electronics Nano City Hwaseong Campus in Hwaseong, South Korea, July 8, 2024.

Kim Soo-hyeon/Reuters

The National Samsung Electronics Union decides to continue striking because management has shown no intention of holding talks after a strike that started on July 8

SEOUL, South Korea – The labor union for workers at Samsung Electronics in South Korea will continue to strike indefinitely, it said in a statement on its website on Wednesday, July 10.

The National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU), whose roughly 30,000 members make up almost a quarter of the firm’s South Korean workforce, said it has decided to continue striking because management has shown no intention of holding talks after a strike that started on Monday.

The union said it would extend the strike initially planned to last three days through Wednesday, adding that the strike has disrupted production.

Samsung previously said the strike has caused no disruption to production. It did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the indefinite strike.

Shares of Samsung Electronics were trading up 0.1%, versus the benchmark KOSPI index’s 0.1% fall as at 0054 GMT. –

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