expressways in the Philippines

No toll in CAVITEX from July 1 to 30

Lance Spencer Yu

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No toll in CAVITEX from July 1 to 30

CAVITEX. File photo of the Manila-Cavite Expressway.


The toll holiday covers all vehicle types and expressway exits

MANILA, Philippines – Good news, motorists! You can use the Manila-Cavite Toll Expressway (CAVITEX) toll-free for the entire month of July.

On Thursday, June 27, the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) approved the recommendation to suspend toll collections for all vehicles passing through CAVITEX from July 1 to 30. All expressway exits, including the newly inaugurated Sucat Interchange, will be toll-free.

During his speech at the inauguration of the new segment, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. directed the TRB to immediately enforce the proposal to suspend the collection of toll fees for CAVITEX.

Nagpapasalamat tayo sa TRB sa kanilang agarang aksyon sa rekomendasyon na ito ng PRA. Nagpapasalamat din tayo sa MVP Group sa pagsuporta sa panukalang ito,” Marcos said in an X post on Thursday, June 27.

(We thank the TRB for their prompt action on this recommendation by the Philippine Reclamation Authority. We also thank the Manny V. Pangilinan Group for supporting this proposal.)

But the toll holiday will have its costs. According to a Cavite Infrastructure Corporation (CIC) press release sent to reporters, the suspension “will result in foregone toll revenues amounting to hundreds of millions of pesos.”

“Transport experts said that, as industry logic dictates, expressway firms need toll receipts to pay lenders, recoup huge investments, assure road safety at all times, and pay operational and administrative personnel,” the CIC added in its press release.

The CIC is a unit of the Pangilinan-owned Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation. It serves as the private developer, builder, and financier of CAVITEX while the PRA is its public sector partner under a public private partnership agreement. –

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Lance Spencer Yu

Lance Spencer Yu is a multimedia reporter who covers the transportation, tourism, infrastructure, finance, agriculture, and corporate sectors, as well as macroeconomic issues.