IN PHOTOS: Solenn Heussaff’s stunning wedding gown

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IN PHOTOS: Solenn Heussaff’s stunning wedding gown
(UPDATED) Designer Boom Sason shows off the gown Solenn wore to her civil wedding in Argentina

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) – Last December, many thought that Solenn Heussaff got married to Nico Bolzico in a civil ceremony in Argentina.

However, on Wednesday, January 13, Solenn said at a press conference for her upcoming movie Lakbay2Love, that what was tagged as a wedding on social media was actually just a celebration of the couple’s engagement. (WATCH: Solenn Heussaff: ‘I’m single, technically’)

Some of the social posts that made the rounds in December were those of designer Boom Sason, who on Thursday, December 31 released photos of Solenn’s intricate “wedding gown,” which she designed.

The custom-made dress suits Solenn’s style, with its lace bodice and sheer skirt.

In the first photo she posted, Boom wrote, “My beautiful friend Sos, who bears all the qualities I always admired in a woman, wears her custom @boomsasonweddingclassics gown tonight for her lakeside civil wedding ceremony and reception in Argentina.”

Boom also sent Nico and Solenn her congratulations.

In the second photo, Boom thanked her staff for their work on the gown.

Solenn and Nico tied the knot on Tuesday, December 29.

Since their engagement in 2014, Solenn has kept mum about their wedding plans, saying people would just find out once news about the wedding is posted on social media.

True enough, the public found out about her wedding through her, her family, and friends’ Instagram photos and Snapchat videos. Among Solenn’s friends present at her wedding were Filipino celebrities Anne Curtis, Georgina Wilson, and Isabelle Daza. 

What do you think of Solenn’s wedding gown? Let us know in the comments! —

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