‘Goblin’ actress Go Soo Jung dies at 24


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‘Goblin’ actress Go Soo Jung dies at 24
Her agency, Story J Company, makes the announcement on Instagram

MANILA, Philippines – Korean actress Go Soo Jung has died due to an illness. She was 24 years old.

Her agency, Story J Company, made the announcement on Instagram on February 12, days after her funeral, which reportedly took place on February 9.

“A few days ago, actress Go Soo Jung bid farewell to this world and became one of the bright stars in the sky,” the company said in the statement translated into English in a report by AllKpop.

“We will always remember actress Go Soo Jung and her glowing smile which brightened the world. Please wish her a safe passage,” it said.

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The rookie actress debuted in the 2016 K-drama Goblin. She also appeared in the series Solomon’s Perjury, as well as in the music video for BTS’ song “With Seoul.” – Rappler.com

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