Alleged Baldwin stalker jailed for contempt

Agence France-Presse

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She claims to have had a romantic relationship with Baldwin. The 4 charges against her carry a maximum penalty of 90 days.

SCORNED. I gave him my heart, my body and soul. I loved him and I care for him very much,' says Baldwin's stalker

NEW YORK CITY, USA  A Canadian actress accused of stalking US movie star Alec Baldwin after what she claimed was a night of passion in a New York hotel was sentenced to 30 days in jail Wednesday, November 13, for contempt.

Genevieve Sabourin, on trial in a Manhattan criminal court for allegedly stalking the A-list star, testified for more than 3 hours, sobbing through her tale of romantic love gone sour.

“This guy, you know, he knows what to say. He makes millions of dollars charming women on the screen. He’s a professional charmer, the best in the world,” she told the court.

“Am I naive or stupid? I don’t know. You can laugh at me as much as you want but I believed him.”

She was found in contempt by Judge Thomas Mandelbaum early in the day for repeatedly interrupting and ordered into custody for 30 days, despite tearful pleadings about her dog’s well-being.

“There is no stay,” Mandelbaum insisted. “The punishment has been imposed,” he added, allowing Sabourin time only to make telephone arrangements for her dog’s care.

She claims to have had a romantic relationship with Baldwin, but the 4 charges against her carry a maximum penalty of 90 days.

Sabourin denies stalking or threatening Baldwin and says she went to his Long Island home, Manhattan apartment and a public event to get “closure” at the end of a romantic relationship.

Baldwin denies their relationship was sexual and accuses her of bombarding him with hundreds of unwanted phone calls and emails and of sending “vile” Twitter messages to his wife, Hilaria.

While Baldwin claims he took her to dinner in New York in February 2010 purely as a favor to a friend to discuss her career, Sabourin said he pursued her romantically after daily phone conversations.

They first met in Montreal in 2000 in the company of film producer Martin Bregman and in 2010 Sabourin says Bregman gave her number to Baldwin so she could seek advice on an acting career.

Baldwin, she claims, was “most flirtatious” and essentially invited her to visit New York, where they had a “very romantic night” together.

She says they drove around Central Park after she told him it was her favorite spot in New York, and then went to Times Square to watch a play starring Alicia Silverstone, whom they met backstage.

Sabourin claimed that she and Baldwin discussed a long-term future together at a late-night dinner in an intimate restaurant and went back to her hotel where they “made love.”

Sabourin admitted that she fell in love with him, but that Baldwin then disappeared, leaving her hurt and confused.

‘The best omelettes’

“He made me all kinds of promises,” she said. “He told me he cooked the best omelettes in the world. He said, ‘I would cook you omelettes every morning for the rest of my life.'”

She started to cry, asking for tissues to be brought from her confiscated bag, sparking a harried search by court police to breathless thank yous when the tissues were handed over.

At first confident there must have been a misunderstanding, she said they stayed in phone and email touch for 6 months still talking about meeting up again and once had phone sex.

“I gave him my heart, my body and soul. I loved him and I care for him very much,” she said.

Then he started seeing new wife Hilaria. Sabourin turned up unannounced 3 times, twice at their home and once at a film event from which she was ejected, but she denied being threatening.

“I am annoying. But I am not aggressive,” she said.

But even on the witness stand her interruptions and protestations earned her another rebuke from the judge, warning that if she continued to defy him she would face another contempt order.

On Tuesday, she repeatedly heckled Baldwin and his wife, telling the actor that he was a liar and Hilaria that she would go to hell.

Baldwin claims he never saw Sabourin after their dinner until she turned up uninvited at his Long Island home on March 31, 2012, the afternoon that he got engaged to Hilaria.

Alec Baldwin photo from Shutterstock

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