celebrity children

Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff’s daughter Dahlia turns 1


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Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff’s daughter Dahlia turns 1

DAHLIA AMÉLIE. Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff's first daughter turns one.

Screenshot from Anne Curtis' Instagram

The couple share new photos of their baby on Instagram

Dahlia Amélie, Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff’s first daughter, turned one year old on March 2, and the couple shared new photos of her on Instagram to mark the occasion.

“She owns every little bit of my heart,” Anne wrote in the caption of her photo, which showed a smiling Dahlia sitting next to a floral arrangement in the shape of the number one – following their family’s tradition of marking Dahlia’s age with flowers.

“I love her to the moon and back infinity times,” Anne said, before sharing a quote from the famous Robert Munsch children’s book Love You Forever, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”

Meanwhile, Erwan posted another set of photos of Dahlia on his page, saying, “Here is to a year when absolutely nothing went according to plan, except for this little bright light.”

“When days crawled and months raced by. When I became a student again and she, my teacher. Happy 1st birthday,” he added.

Anne and Erwan welcomed Dahlia in Australia in 2020, and spent the rest of the year there. They returned to the Philippines in February, after being gone for over a year.

About a month before Dahlia’s birthday, the couple started a fundraiser to help babies and children in need. On the fundraising page, the couple pledged to personally match the full amount raised and donate the entirety to UNICEF. As of this writing, they have raised P651,060, with 12 days left in the fundraiser. – Rappler.com

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