celebrity couples

‘I started crying, I was so happy’: Bea Alonzo, Dominic Roque share reaction from engagement 


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‘I started crying, I was so happy’: Bea Alonzo, Dominic Roque share reaction from engagement 

Bea Alonzo's Instagram

'I have been waiting for this day to come for Dom and I to finally build a family,' Bea says

MANILA, Philippines – Weeks after getting engaged, Bea Alonzo posted a video documenting her reaction to Dominic Roque’s marriage proposal. 

The celebrity couple got engaged on July 18 at Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar in Bataan. The 35-year-old actress thought she was there for her GMA Gala photoshoot with photographer Mark Nicdao when Roque, 33, surprised her with a proposal.

“I was there for a shoot, but little did I know that the next thing that would happen would change our lives forever,” she wrote in her Instagram post announcing the engagement. 

In the vlog released on Saturday, August 12, Alonzo opened up about how she felt about the proposal. She also shared footage of the photoshoot cut together with audio clips from her previous videos discussing relationships and love.

‘I started crying, I was so happy’: Bea Alonzo, Dominic Roque share reaction from engagement 

One clip asked the actress to describe the next man she would fall in love with. She answered: “A guy who is madly in love with me.” Another asked Roque to describe their love story in five words, he said: “I hope it is forever.”

The video then showed the moment Roque proposed to Alonzo.

“In the middle of the shoot, Mark Nicdao kept telling me to turn around because he wanted to shoot the back side of my dress,” she recounted. “I found it a bit odd, but when I turned around, I found Dom kneeling with a box in his hand.”

Alonzo was surprised by the engagement because she had not expected it to happen at that time and place. She recounted that it was like everything was moving in slow-motion. “I couldn’t even hear him say anything,” she said. “I could only hear my thoughts, and I was thinking: this is it.”

“I have been waiting for this day to come, for [Dominic] and I to finally build a family, and it’s actually happening,” the actress said in a voiceover. “I started crying. I was so happy.”

Roque later recalled what he told her in his proposal. “We’ve had our ups and downs,” he said. “Nalagpasan [natin] lahat iyon at alam kong marami pa [tayong] gagawin together (We got through all of that and I know we still have a lot to do together).”

“I want to spend my whole life with you forever,” he told her. “I love you.”

The footage caught the couple’s engagement along with the immediate reaction of their families and friends who were in attendance. “Hindi ko talaga alam (I really didn’t know),” Alonzo said of the proposal when celebrating with her loved ones afterwards.

Ganito pala sa totoong buhay. Ilang beses na ako nakagawa ng ganitong eksena (This actually happens in real life. I’ve done so many scenes where this happens),” the actress said.

In a voiceover, she talked about how her married friends knew that their partners were the one. “They would always say you just know,” she shared. “I just knew it.”

Alonzo and Roque have been together for four years. The actress confirmed their relationship in August 2021. – with additional reports from Luna Coscolluela/Rappler.com

Luna Coscolluela is a Rappler intern.

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