
LOOK: BGYO, BINI grace NFT covers of Dubai-based magazine

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LOOK: BGYO, BINI grace NFT covers of Dubai-based magazine

HISTORY. BGYO and BINI pose for the covers of 'XPEDITION' Magazine.


ACEs and BLOOMs, you can still visit the virtual gallery until February 24

MANILA, Philippines – P-pop groups BINI and BGYO made history as the first Filipino artists to land on the NFT covers of XPEDITION, a Dubai-based magazine. 

The members of BGYO look dashing in their cream-colored suits while BINI stunned with their red and black ensembles. All outfits of the members were by renowned fashion designer Furne One Amato. 

“The Raging Storm” is the theme for BGYO’s cover while “The Burgeoning Grace” is for BINI’s. 

All solo and group covers were released on Tuesday, February 22 through Metaverse, a simulated digital environment that uses augmented reality and virtual reality, among others. 

The virtual launch also saw the members of BINI and BGYO in their avatars interacting with event attendees and posing with their magazine covers. 

This virtual project is helmed by XPEDITION’s founder and editor-in-chief Josh Yugen and co-founder Ian Borromeo in line with being the first magazine in the Middle East to launch in the Metaverse. 

XPEDITION always explores innovation and cutting-edge technology and at the same time, we always believe in the power of young people. For me, BINI and BGYO are one of the most talented and hardworking celebrities that I have worked with aside from being polite, kind, and humble – a true role model for the modern youth,” Yugen said. 

ACEs and BLOOMs can visit the virtual gallery until February 24 and order an issue of the magazine through XPEDITION’s website. 

BGYO is a five-member boy group that made their debut with “The Light,” while BINI is an eight-member girl group that is known for their tracks “Born to Win” and “Golden Arrow.” Both groups are set to join the Tugatog Filipino Music Festival – 

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