
British TV doctor still missing on Greek island as night falls


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British TV doctor still missing on Greek island as night falls

Fire Department personnel inspect an area, following the search for missing British TV doctor Michael Mosley on the island of Symi, Greece June 7, 2024.

REUTERS/Lefteris Damianidis

TV presenter Michael Mosley is still missing two days after he disappeared on a short stroll along a rocky coastal path

SYMI, Greece – British TV presenter Michael Mosley was still missing on the mountainous Greek island of Symi as night fell on Friday, June 7, two days after he disappeared, but security camera footage potentially offered new clues about his movements.

The doctor and healthy living advocate, who has endorsed fasting and offered tips on sleep and diet, was last seen at 1:30 pm (1030 GMT) on Wednesday when he set out on a short stroll in searing temperatures along a rocky coastal path between Agios Nikolaos beach and the village of Pedi, police officials said.

Some local officials had begun to fear Mosely had fallen into the sea. But images shared with Reuters from a security camera in Pedi showed what is believed to be Mosley, 67, strolling by at 1:49 pm holding an umbrella, suggesting he may have made it safely off the coastal path.

Symi Mayor Lefteris Papakalodoukas said it was a 10-minute walk from the beach to Pedi.

Police, the fire brigade, coast guard, and volunteers were searching for Mosley on and off the island in the eastern Aegean, using a helicopter, drones, and a rescue dog. Authorities issued a heat warning as temperatures approached 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit).

Mosley did not have his mobile phone with him, hampering tracing efforts.

Papakalodoukas told Reuters Mosley could have fallen into the sea and been washed away “or something else has happened,” adding: “It’s impossible to be where the searches are taking place. It is a small area and has been thoroughly searched.”

Symi is about 10 miles (16 km) long and has 2,500 residents. Its remote beaches were filled with sunbathers on Friday.

Papakalodoukas doubted foul play, saying: “We have zero crime on our island. We are a small community and we are all upset.”

Mosley has appeared on British programs including the BBC series Trust Me, I’m a Doctor, the BBC’s The One Show, and ITV’s This Morning. He popularized the 5:2 diet, which endorses intermittent fasting. –

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