drag queens

Drag artist Pura Luka Vega arrested 


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Drag artist Pura Luka Vega arrested 

Pura Luka Vega is arrested in their Sta. Cruz, Manila home

Photo/Manila Police District

(2nd UPDATE) The embattled drag artist will remain in police custody on October 6, their 'Drag Den Philippines Season 1' co-star NAIA says

MANILA, Philippines – Drag artist Pura Luka Vega was arrested on Wednesday, October 4, after their alleged absence from the preliminary investigations of their criminal case in Manila.

“The arrest warrant was issued today despite filing a motion to reopen today. They are now in police custody,” Drag Den Philippines showrunner Rod Singh wrote on X (formerly Twitter)

The drag artist was arrested in their home in Sta. Cruz, Manila and brought to the Manila Police District Station 3, Manila Police District Spokesperson Philipp Ines confirmed. 

Pura Luka Vega, whose legal name is Amadeus Fernando Pagente, was sued by a group of Christian leaders on July 31 after they deemed them to be in violation of Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code. 

On September 13, Luka explained in an X post that they never received a subpoena for a criminal case that was allegedly filed against them in Manila. This was in response to a Philippine Star article claiming that the drag artist “snubbed” their preliminary hearing in Manila. 

“And I was also in [Quezon City] for a separate complaint that was filed there. I have no intention of ‘snubbing’ these complaints,” they wrote. 

Singh held that Luka’s camp had still not yet received any subpoena for their preliminary investigations in Manila prior to their arrest. She also mentioned that the drag artist had been diligently attending their hearings in Quezon City. 

Luka will remain in police custody but will be able to post bail the next day on Thursday, October 5 for P72,000. 

Luka’s camp’s statement

On the evening of Thursday, October 5, Singh posted a statement on X saying that the Drag Den Philippines season one alum will remain in police custody that night. She also mentioned that before Luka’s arrest, they filed a motion to reopen and admit counter-affidavit with the city prosecutor “as they wanted to face the charges in Manila.”

“[Luka] personally obtained the complaint-affidavit in Manila and expressed their intent to answer the charges and the existence of three other complaints against them in Quezon City. They [would] later be informed that two other complaints were filed with the National Bureau of Investigation,” Singh wrote.

Represented by the Burkley and Aquino Law Office, Luka filed for an urgent motion for bail, along with a request to reduce the bail bond. Subsequently, the court released an order for the prosecutor to file their decision on the requests within 24 hours.

“We will be on standby at court tomorrow for the decision regarding our motion for bail. We are also currently working on the other requirements for their eventual release. We are hopeful that our motion will be swiftly granted as bail is a matter of right,” Singh continued.

As Luka allegedly has yet to receive a subpoena for the complaints filed against them in Manila, Singh says that their lawyers will explore remedies “including the quashal of the information filed against Luka, reopening of the preliminary investigation at the prosecutor level and challenging Article 201 (2)(b)(3) of the Revised Penal Code as unconstitutional.”

Singh added that Luka’s camp’s current focus is to have the drag artist “regain their liberty.”

Pura Luka Vega to remain in police custody

On Friday, October 6, Luka’s Drag Den Philippines Season 1 co-star Naia Black announced in a post on X that the embattled drag artist will remain in police custody.

“The motion for bail was granted later this afternoon after a clarificatory hearing but unfortunately, the court is already closed for the submission of the requirements for release,” Naia wrote.

Naia posted an hour before their current statement that it would be “highly unlikely” for Luka to be released today, and that it appears police intend to have the drag artist remain in their custody until the weekend.

Singh also opened donation channels when news of Luka’s arrest broke. Supporters were able to raise a total of P552,899.22 as of 1 pm on October 6.

The drag artist was previously declared persona non grata in 11 localities for their “Ama Namin” video, where they were recorded singing and dancing to a remixed version of the Christian song dressed as Jesus Christ. – Rappler.com

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