Filipino actors

Gardo Versoza discharged from hospital following heart attack, angioplasty

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Gardo Versoza discharged from hospital following heart attack, angioplasty

GARDO VERSOZA. The actor is given clearance to go home after being confined in the ICU following a heart attack.

Ivy Vicencio's Instagram page

The actor suffered a heart attack on March 28

MANILA, Philippines – Actor Gardo Versoza has left the hospital after being confined for a heart attack and angioplasty.

In photos shared on Instagram by the actor’s wife Ivy Vicencio on Wednesday, April 5, Gardo could be seen visiting church in a wheelchair.

Medyo ok na po siya at pinayagan na muna ng mga doctors niya na makauwi (He’s kind of okay and has been allowed by his doctors to go home),” Ivy wrote in the caption. She added that he is set to undergo another angioplasty in two months.

Hindi naisabay nung una dahil may heart attack na nangyayari (They weren’t able to do it earlier because he was experiencing a heart attack),” she explained.

An angioplasty is a surgical procedure where a catheter is inserted in a clogged heart artery to improve blood flow to the heart.

Gardo, 53, suffered a heart attack on March 28 and underwent an angioplasty to clear one of his blocked arteries. He was then confined to the intensive care unit of the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in San Juan.

Gardo is part of the cast of the upcoming teleserye Unbreak My Heart, which is set to air in 2023. –

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