Filipino actors

Jiro Manio sells Gawad Urian trophy for ‘Magnifico’ performance on ‘Pinoy Pawnstars’

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Jiro Manio sells Gawad Urian trophy for ‘Magnifico’ performance on ‘Pinoy Pawnstars’

TROPHY SOLD. Former child actor Jiro Manio sells his Gawad Urian trophy for his performance in the 2003 film 'Magnifico' to Boss Toyo of the YouTube series 'Pinoy Pawnstars.'

Boss Toyo Production's YouTube page

The award, which Manio won for his performance in the 2003 film 'Magnifico,' is sold to Boss Toyo for P75,000

MANILA, Philippines – Former child actor Jiro Manio sold his Gawad Urian Best Actor Award trophy for his performance in the 2003 film Magnifico.

In an episode of the YouTube series Pinoy Pawnstars on Tuesday, January 2, Manio showed his Gawad Urian trophy to showrunner Boss Toyo to gauge how much he could sell it for.

Jiro Manio sells Gawad Urian trophy for ‘Magnifico’ performance on ‘Pinoy Pawnstars’

While Manio had hoped to sell the trophy for P500,000, Boss Toyo explained that if he were to purchase Manio’s trophy for that price, he would have to consider whether any of his buyers would be willing to pay that much for it in the next few years.

Boss Toyo named P50,000 as a starting price, but the two eventually settled on a final price of P75,000.

“No’ng napanood kita, sabi ng utol ko na magtatayo ka raw ng museum. Naisip ko, ‘Sana mapabilang ako do’n sa mga dating artista na nakatanggap ng award,'” Manio told Boss Toyo.

(When I watched your videos, my sibling told me that you plan to establish a museum. I thought, “I hope I can be part of the section of former celebrities who received an award before.”)

Boss Toyo also detailed the respect he holds for Manio, who he believes made significant contributions to the Filipino film industry.

The former child actor took home the Gawad Urian award for Best Actor in 2004 for starring in Magnifico. The film follows an obedient little boy named Magnifico who strives to raise money to fund his dying grandmother’s coffin and his sister’s wheelchair.

Manio also raked in awards from other major award-giving bodies in the country like the FAP Awards and FAMAS for his performances in different films.

Manio last appeared in the GMA series Little Star, which ran until February 2011, and in the film Ang Tanging Ina Mo (Last Na ‘To!), which premiered in December 2010.

In 2011, Manio entered rehab for drug use. Four years later, in 2015, he was spotted wandering the Ninoy Aquino International Airport for days as he supposedly had nowhere to go.

He had also expressed that he has no plans of returning to the showbiz industry.

In 2020, Marikina City police filed frustrated homicide charges against Manio for allegedly stabbing a man.

Manio currently works as a volunteer at the Department of Health’s Treatment and Rehabilitation Center in Bataan. He has two daughters. –

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