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Jodi Sta Maria and Raymart Santiago are dating


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Jodi Sta Maria and Raymart Santiago are dating
Raymart confirms to talent manager Noel Ferrer that he has been dating the actress

Jodi Sta Maria and Raymart Santiago are dating. According to a Pep report, Raymart confirmed to talent manager Noel Ferrer that he and the actress have been going out after photos of them embracing each other in a private residence in Alabang circulated online.

Jodi Sta Maria and Raymart Santiago are dating

“We are happy that you are happy,” Noel said, sharing the photo on his Instagram page and tagging the two actors.

“God bless you both,” Noel added.


Raymart was last linked to a non-showbiz girl while Jodi’s last relationship was with Cavite Vice Governor Jolo Revilla.

The two were also previously married. Raymart was married to actress Claudine Barretto, with whom he has two kids. Jodi has a son with ex-husband Pampi Lacson.

Raymart is seen on FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano starring Coco Martin while Jodi is part of the teleserye Ang sa Iyo ay Akin along with Iza Calzado and Sam Milby. – Rappler.com

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