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‘They still need a healthier mama’: Kris Aquino reunites with sons Josh and Bimby in LA


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‘They still need a healthier mama’: Kris Aquino reunites with sons Josh and Bimby in LA
'Bedridden ako at halos ‘di makagalaw – sa lahat ng dumaan sa matinding chemotherapy – saludo ako sa tatag ninyo,' Kris says

MANILA, Philippines – Kris Aquino has reunited with sons Josh and Bimby in the United States, calling them her “living reminders” to continue the treatment for her autoimmune diseases. 

On Monday, July 2, the media personality shared photos of their meeting at the Los Angeles International Airport in California, where her sons looked ecstatic to be with their mom again. 

Kris had earlier opened up on previous social media posts that her two sons had to fly back home to the Philippines while she had to stay in the US to continue her treatment.  

“I wanted for Bimb to experience normal teenage life, and kuya’s happy place is Alto, our family compound in Tarlac,” she wrote. “Pero mahirap mag (But it’s hard to take) chemotherapy medication as part of my immunosuppressant therapy without the support system of family.”

Kris said that she struggled with the medication she took, being “allergic to all NSAIDS, pain relievers, pain killers,” and having “an adverse reaction to all steroids.” 

“Bedridden ako at halos ‘di makagalaw sa lahat ng dumaan sa matinding chemotherapy saludo ako sa tatag ninyo (I am bedridden and can barely move. To those who go through intense chemotherapy, I salute your strength),” she wrote. 

But despite the pain, Kris said that she drew strength from her sons to be able to recover:  “Kuya and Bimb are my living reminders to not give up because they still need a healthier mama. ‘Pag mahal mo, hinding hindi ka susuko, itutuloy ang laban (If you love them, you won’t give up, you will continue the fight).” 

She ended her latest update by expressing how happy she was to have her sons beside her again.

“Tonight, I’ll sleep siksik (snuggled in between) my two giants. Muling nabuo kaming three (We three are complete again). Thank you God for making me a very happy mama,” she wrote. 

In June 2022, Kris announced that she and her sons were leaving for the US in order for her to receive treatment for Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA), which she was diagnosed with in April 2022, along with autoimmune thyroiditis and vasculitis.

According to the American Lung Association, EGPA is a very rare disease where there is inflammation of the blood vessels resulting in the restriction of blood flow, causing organ damage in the body if left untreated.

In May, Kris updated that she has started taking new medications after it was confirmed that she is now battling five autoimmune diseases, with a possibility of a sixth. – with additional reports from Pie Gonzaga/Rappler.com

Pie Gonzaga is a Rappler intern.

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