celebrity children

‘I’m so in love’: Kris Bernal gives birth to first child 


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‘I’m so in love’: Kris Bernal gives birth to first child 

HAILEE LUCA. Kris Bernal introduces first child.

Kris Bernal's Instagram

The actress says becoming a mother is the 'most rewarding and beautiful thing' in her life

MANILA, Philippines – Kris Bernal is now a mom!

The actress disclosed on Wednesday, August 30, that she has given birth to a baby girl, her first child with husband Perry Choi. 

In her caption, Kris wrote that it’s been 15 days since they welcomed their daughter, Hailee Lucca, whom they called their “little sunshine.” 

“It has been the most magical days of our lives,” she added. “The bond between a mother and child is one of the strongest in existence. I’m so in love.”

Kris continued to share about how she’s embracing motherhood, saying that it was “a kind of love that is never understood until it happens to you.” 

“My heart is so full and becoming a mother is the most rewarding and beautiful thing in my life,” she wrote. 

The couple also started an Instagram account for their baby, wherein they explained that the name Hailee Lucca was inspired by the word “Hallelujah” which means “praise the Lord.”

Fellow celebrities such as Carla Abellana, Isabel Oli, and Lotlot de Leon sent their well-wishes for the family. 

Kris and Perry first met as business partners in 2016. Perry, a chef, was the one who made the recipes for Kris’s burger venture, for which his family was a supplier. The actress first made their relationship public in November 2017.

They got engaged in February 2020 and tied the knot in September 2021. Kris announced that she’s pregnant in March. – Rappler.com

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