Filipino celebrities

‘We will see each other again’: Maggie Wilson pens heartfelt letter to son Connor

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‘We will see each other again’: Maggie Wilson pens heartfelt letter to son Connor

MOTHER AND SON. Maggie Wilson pens a letter to her son, Connor, whom she has not spoken to in 11 months.

Maggie Wilson's Instagram

The former beauty queen says that it has already been 16 months since she last saw Connor, and 11 months since they last spoke

MANILA, Philippines – Former beauty queen Maggie Wilson took to Instagram to write a heartfelt letter addressed to her son Connor on Tuesday, November 14. 

The former beauty queen expressed that it had already been 16 months since she last saw Connor, and 11 months since they last spoke. 

“I often find myself scrolling through my album of you. I loved taking pictures of you. As I look through them, I am happy (because I took so many) and sad because I wish I could,” Wilson wrote. 

Despite having missed numerous milestones in her son’s life, Wilson said that she remains hopeful that they will reunite soon. 

“It might annoy you because I will take even more stills and videos of you than ever. Lately, I am grateful that somehow I get to see snippets of how much you’ve grown. We will see each other again, Connor. You are forever in my thoughts. I love you with all of my heart,” Wilson added. 

In December 2021, Wilson aired her frustrations over being barred from seeing her son during Christmas even when arrangements had been made for them to spend the holidays with each other. 

Wilson said that she had prepared a dinner spread for her friends and family – including Connor – but was suddenly denied time with her son “despite an agreement being made prior.” 

Prior to this, Wilson and her now-estranged husband Victor Consunji announced their separation in September, stating that there was no “animosity” between them, and that they will “always remain family as [they] share [their] beautiful son, Connor.” 

In March 2022, Wilson also alleged that she was denied photos from Connor’s birthday party. In screenshots posted on her Instagram story, Wilson reached out directly to the photographer, who initially agreed to Wilson’s request to send her photos. 

However, the photographer later sent Wilson a message saying that they were instructed to not send her the photos. The photographer then asked Wilson to request copies of the photos from a person whose name Wilson blurred out when she posted the photos on her Instagram story. 

In September, Wilson took to Instagram to reveal an alleged smear campaign led by online trolls, implying that it had been Consunji behind the entire fiasco. –

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